Saturday, March 27, 2010

The 1st Step To Your Best Body!

Originally Posted September 30, 2009:

Setting your Goal!
By: Holly Holton
1. Find your starting point
In order to get to your destination, you have to know your starting point. Start by finding your body fat percentage. This measurement is the best indicator to find out if you are losing unsightly body fat and gaining the beautiful lean muscle that will give you the toned look you are dreaming of. Also take your measurements and take a photo of yourself for comparisons later. Pink Iron offers complimentary fitness assessments with a Personal Trainer where we do all of this for you!!

2. Set a Realistic Goal
After your assessment, you can now set a realistic goal. These measurements will help you set a specific number that you can work toward rather than a broad goal that would seem a little more unattainable. For example, now you will know that to reach your ideal, you will need to lose 5% body fat instead of just saying “I want to look like (insert your favorite Fitness Model’s name here). Realistic and measurable goals make it easier for us to stay on track and to not get discouraged!

3. Write down your Goal
Write down your goal and put it where it will be a constant reminder for you. Tape it to your refridgerator, set it as your computer’s screensaver, tattoo it on your arm (ok maybe not the tattoo…)! Just keep it in front of you so you never lose sight of your dreams!

4. Layout Your Plan
What good is a goal if you don’t have a plan of action to attain it? Your plan may look something like this:
· I will eat 5-6 small healthy meals per day
· I will weight train 3 days a week (or whatever your plan calls for)
· I will stick to a cardio program
· I will cut out soda and stick to whole unprocessed foods
· I will drink 3 liters of water per day
A personal trainer can tailor a plan to fit you, your lifestyle, and your goals. Whatever it takes to achieve your specific goal, write it down and follow it!

5. Make Yourself Accountable
Everyone needs a support system on their journey to success. Tell a friend or family member your goal and ask them to keep you accountable. An ideal accountability partner would be your personal trainer! They know your goals, will create your plan for you, and will make sure that you are sticking to it. They will encourage you to work at your full potential and be a listening ear when you face struggles on your journey.

6. Monitor Your Progress
It’s so important to monitor your progress to make sure you are on track. Measure your body fat percentage, take your measurements and take pictures every 2 weeks (at least!). This way, if something’s not working, you can point out what it is and change it. You can tweak your plan so that it is continually working as your body adapts and improves. Pink Iron trainers do this because they know how important it is for your success. They care about your results… period!

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