Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Article I Contributed to on Livestrong.com

Hey Everyone,

Happy Tuesday to you... below is an article that I contributed to for livestrong.com
It gives my top tips for Women who are trying to build muscle... Enjoy!

Original Article Can Be Found Here:


Building muscle is one of the most important---though often overlooked---elements of health and fitness for women, according to Los Angeles-based personal trainer and gym owner, Holly Holton, who designed the full-body workout here. Additional muscle can help women fend off weight gain by raising their metabolism and help challenge and strengthen bones, a key to avoiding osteoporosis. With increased strength, women will also notice the little parts of daily life, such as opening a heavy door or loosening a jar lid, become easier. Doing this full-body workout can help any woman build muscle.

Step 1

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart holding a dumbbell in each hand down to your sides. Bend your legs and squat down as if you're sitting in a chair until your legs reach a 90-degree angle. Be careful to keep your knees above your feet as you squat. Straighten your legs to complete the rep. Do four sets of 8 to 10 reps using heavy weight.

Step 2

Start in a push-up position with your hands and toes on a mat. With your hands directly below your shoulders, abs tight and legs straight, bend your arms to lower your body until it is about 1 inch above the mat. Straighten your arms to complete the rep. Do four sets of as many reps as possible.

Step 3

Stand with your feet hip-width apart holding a dumbbell in each hand down to your sides. Keeping your elbows near your body, bend your arms and raise the dumbbells to your shoulders, palms facing away from your body. Tighten your abs and raise the dumbbells directly overhead. Lower your hands to your shoulders to complete the rep. Do four sets of 8 to 10 reps.

Step 4

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, a dumbbell on the floor in front of each foot. Keeping your back flat and knees directly above your feet, bend your legs and pick up a dumbbell with each hand. Holding the dumbbells, straighten your legs to stand up, completing the rep. Do four sets of 8 to 10 reps with heavy weights, keeping the dumbbells in your hands throughout each set.

Tips and Warnings

* Do this workout three times per week, resting at least one day between workouts. For steps 1 and 4, beginners can stick with lighter weights, but work up to lifting heavier weights every few weeks. For step 2, if you can't complete traditional push-ups, keep your knees on the mat throughout the move. For best results, do 20 to 30 minutes of cardio intervals three times per week in addition to this workout. On any gym cardio machine such as a treadmill, elliptical trainer or stepper, warm up for two minutes, then alternate one minute at a high-intensity pace with one minute at a slower pace. To help build lean muscle, eat meals containing lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, green vegetables and fruits every three hours.


* Holly Holton, personal trainer and owner of Pink Iron gym in West Hollywood

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